Prime Edmonton Real Estate - The North Saskatchewan River is a beautiful natural landmark that graces the city of Edmonton, offering picturesque views and recreational opportunities. However, it's crucial to recognize the potential dangers associated with this majestic body of water. Recent news about an Edmonton teenager tragically being washed away in the river serves as a stark reminder of the importance of safety precautions when walking near its banks. In this blog, we will delve into the significance of prioritizing safety and share valuable tips to ensure a secure experience for those venturing near the North Saskatchewan River.

The Allure of the North Saskatchewan River 

Stretching across the heart of Edmonton, the North Saskatchewan River is an integral part of the city's identity. Its serene waters, scenic riverbanks, and abundance of wildlife make it a popular destination for residents and visitors alike. Whether for leisurely walks, jogging, or enjoying recreational activities, the river offers a tranquil escape from the bustling urban environment. I have been walking, running, and rollerblading through the river valley since I was a teenager. I was lucky enough to grow up within a short distance from the valley, and it was a regular part of my outdoor activities as a child. Running Cross Country Track at Eastglen High School, we spent hours and hours in the valley each fall as part of our training. As an adult, I have exposed my children to its wonders and dangers.

The Tragic Incident 

Recently, Edmonton witnessed a devastating incident that highlights the potential hazards of the North Saskatchewan River. A local teenager was tragically swept away while walking near the riverbanks. This unfortunate event serves as a somber reminder of the river's power and the need for utmost caution when exploring its surroundings.

Understanding the Risks

The North Saskatchewan River, although captivating, can pose several risks due to its fast currents, unpredictable water levels, and hidden hazards beneath the surface. It's essential to be aware of these dangers to ensure personal safety and the safety of others.

  1. Strong currents: The river's currents can be deceptively strong, even in seemingly calm sections. These currents are capable of pulling individuals into treacherous waters, making it difficult to swim or regain control.

  2. Changing water levels: The water levels in the North Saskatchewan River can fluctuate significantly due to factors such as precipitation, snowmelt, and dam operations. Sudden increases in water levels can create hazardous conditions, especially near riverbanks.

  3. Submerged objects: Underwater debris, logs, and rocks are often present and hidden from view. Colliding with these obstacles can lead to injury or being swept away by the force of the river.

Safety Precautions

To mitigate the risks associated with walking near the North Saskatchewan River, it's imperative to prioritize safety. By following these precautions, individuals can enjoy the beauty of the river while reducing the likelihood of accidents:

  1. Stay informed: Stay updated on weather conditions, water levels, and any advisories or warnings issued by local authorities. Edmonton's River Valley Parks website and social media accounts often provide real-time information regarding the river's conditions.

  2. Respect barriers and signage: Pay close attention to warning signs, barricades, and designated paths. These are in place for your safety and indicate areas that may be hazardous or inaccessible.

  3. Buddy system: Whenever possible, walk or engage in recreational activities near the river with a companion. Having someone with you can provide assistance in case of an emergency.

  4. Wear appropriate footwear: Choose sturdy, non-slip footwear to maintain stability on uneven terrain near the river. Avoid open-toed shoes or sandals that can increase the risk of injury.

  5. Avoid alcohol and distractions: Alcohol impairs judgment and coordination, increasing the likelihood of accidents near the river. Similarly, distractions such as phone usage can divert attention from potential dangers.

  6. Stay away from the edge: Keep a safe distance from the river's edge. The ground near the banks can be unstable, and sudden slips or collapses can occur, especially after heavy rainfall.

  7. Learn water safety skills: Consider taking swimming and water safety classes to enhance your water competency and survival skills.

The Edmonton River Valley is home to an array of benefits - connection to nature, a world class forest system, golf courses, trails, and more. Being safe and understanding the risks with traversing the varied spaces within the valley will ensure that you and your family can enjoy one of Edmonton's true gems!


Prime Edmonton Real Estate - Looking for something to do with the family this weekend? Check out our list of fun things to do in Edmonton on Family Day! From ice skating to snowshoeing, there's something for everyone to enjoy. So bundle up and head outdoors for a day of family fun!

The history of Family Day in Alberta dates back to 1990 when the provincial government declared the 3rd Monday in February as a public holiday. This was done in order to recognize the importance of family and to give families an opportunity to spend time together. In addition, it provided a much needed break from the winter months where temperatures can often dip below -30 degrees Celsius.

The holiday has been celebrated every year since then with many activities such as ice skating, snowshoeing, skiing, tobogganing and sledding available for families to enjoy together. Additionally, many local communities have organized their own family-friendly events such as movie and game nights, special dinners at local restaurants or even theatre shows and musical performances.

Since its inception, Family Day has become a much beloved tradition in Alberta. It is seen as a meaningful way for families to bond with one another while creating treasured memories that will last a lifetime. Moreover, it serves as an important reminder that strong family ties are essential for both individual and societal well-being.

In recent years, Family Day has taken on greater significance as Albertans have faced a wide range of economic challenges including rising unemployment rates. During these times of adversity, the day has become even more important for helping build morale within families by providing them with an opportunity to come together and celebrate their relationships with each other during these tough times.

Family Day is also recognized in other provinces across Canada such as British Columbia where it is known as 'Heritage Day'. For Canadians everywhere this day provides a much-needed respite from work and school schedules so they can focus on spending quality time with loved ones while celebrating what truly matters most in life: family.

So what are your options for Family Day 2023? Here are just a few ideas...

Visit the Edmonton Valley Zoo for a day of animal fun

Edmonton Valley Zoo is a must-see for anyone with an appreciation for animals and a penchant for outdoor activities. The zoo offers endless educational opportunities and a range of interactive exhibits, from the Gold Rush Ranch petting zoo to the "Nature Venture" explorer kits, that make it an ideal setting for all ages to learn more about our planetary neighbors. Visitors can get even closer to the animals by participating in daily programs like Feed the Animals or Behind the Scenes Tours. Each experience offers the chance to observe rare species and gain an appreciation of the interconnectedness of all living things - plus it's just plain fun! For a truly unforgettable day, come explore Edmonton Valley Zoo: you won't regret it!

Head to the Telus World of Science for some hands-on learning

Edmonton's Telus World of Science is a fantastic place for those looking for some interactive learning! This Edmonton-based attraction offers something for all ages, from educational exhibits and interactive demonstrations to virtual reality experiences and even laser shows. Over 200 displays await you, each devoted to exploring the wonders of science. Here, kids get the chance to explore space with astronaut simulations and interactive displays featuring Edmonton's first Lunar Rover. Whatever your age, step inside the Telus World of Science and experience learning like never before!

Take a walk or hike through one of Edmonton's many beautiful parks

Edmonton is home to a wealth of unique parks each with its own wonder and beauty to explore. Taking a walk or hike through one of Edmonton's many parks offers opportunities to experience nature in a new way. Whether it be catching sight of the local wildlife scurrying about, breathing in the fresh crisp air or admiring the tremendous vista of the skyline - there is plenty to take away from your visit. The vast array of trails present can cater to whichever difficulty suits you best, allowing for expansive exploration without worry. If you're looking for an adventurous day outdoors, then taking a tour through one of Edmonton's picturesque parks is sure to suit your needs.

Enjoy a meal together at a local restaurant or cook something up at home

Gather your friends and family and have a special dinner night! What better way to bring the group together than by planning a meal out at a local restaurant, or cooking something up in the comfort of your own home? Prepare, shop and get creative with recipes. Catch up with conversations over delicious dishes that are sure to please everyone. During dinner, share stories and create memories that will last forever while celebrating the importance of gathering around food. Don’t forget to take lots of photos as you are sure to make some lasting impressions during this vibrant evening full of joy, connection and great eats!

Spend an afternoon exploring the Royal Alberta Museum

In the heart of Edmonton lies the Royal Alberta Museum, a modern and fantastic adventure for all to enjoy. Spend an afternoon exploring over 150,000 artifacts, interactive displays, and immersive galleries covering topics such as Natural History, Human History, Indigenous Cultures and Sports Hall of Fame. Learn about our province's dynamics ecosystems and biodiversity by seizing the opportunity to explore their outdoor Wild Alberta exhibit. You can also participate in educational workshops, go on guided tours of their fossil exhibits or visit their state-of-the-art laboratory - perfect for kids and adults of all ages! With so much to explore within the museum walls, you won't want to miss out on this amazing experience that captures both our past and future.

Go for a swim at one of Edmonton's indoor pools

For a refreshing break to your daily routine, why not take a dip at one of Edmonton's beautiful indoor pools? Enjoy the calm and tranquil waters of these man-made waves and be surrounded by stunning architectural beauty. When you take a swim at one of Edmonton's indoor pools you won't just benefit from the exercise; you'll get to experience the feeling of complete relaxation that comes with gliding through the water's embrace. Whether you want to join in on an aquafit class or simply splash around by yourself, there is plenty to explore in these incredible aquatic environments. Head down to your local pool today for an unforgettable and enjoyable swimming experience!

Edmonton is a great place to spend Family Day with your loved ones. There are plenty of activities to keep everyone entertained, from visiting the zoo or science centre, to going for a swim or exploring one of the city's many museums. And when you need to refuel, there are plenty of delicious restaurants to choose from. So what will you be doing this Family Day long weekend?


Prime Edmonton Real Estate - As a home buyer in Edmonton, you may be wondering if now is a good time to purchase a property. There are many factors to consider when making this decision, and it's important to weigh all of your options before moving forward. In this blog post, we'll take a look at some of the things you should keep in mind when considering whether or not to buy a home in Edmonton at this time. Thanks for reading!

The current state of the economy in Edmonton

Edmonton's economy is growing at an impressive rate and shows real signs of promise. Recently, key economic indicators like employment, GDP and housing prices have all been trending upwards, creating a favorable business climate for those looking to invest in Edmonton. There has also been an influx of venture capital opportunities available to small businesses and entrepreneurs, allowing them to access capital to launch new projects. With so much happening in the economy - from new approaches to infrastructure development to strong entrepreneurial spirit - Edmonton is well poised to weather any economic storms that may come its way.

The economy and housing prices in a city are closely intertwined. When the economy is strong, more people have money to invest in real estate, driving up home prices. Conversely, when the economy is weak or stagnant, fewer people can afford to purchase homes, causing home prices to dip. As such, it's important for buyers to pay attention to economic indicators like GDP growth and employment figures before deciding whether or not now is a good time to buy a property in Edmonton. By understanding how the current state of the economy affects home values in Edmonton, you'll be better equipped to make an informed decision about your next big investment.

The Average price of a home in Edmonton

Edmonton is an attractive destination for real estate investors, boasting average prices significantly lower than many other large cities in Canada. Edmonton's lively downtown and picturesque river valley contribute to the city's appeal and give Edmontonians desiring a quieter suburban lifestyle access to more affordable housing options. Edmonton real estate often provides great investment opportunities – market fluctuations allow buyers to carefully consider their options and potentially find excellent deals on Edmonton homes. With Edmonton’s bustling job market, convenience of public transportation, array of outdoor recreational activities, and close proximity to Edmonton International Airport, there’s no shortage of reasons why Edmonton is the perfect place to call home.

Having reasonable home prices is essential for a healthy and vibrant housing market. Home ownership is an important part of the a person's dream, but if home prices become too expensive, it can create a barrier to entry for those who want to own their own homes. When home prices are kept within reach of average buyers, more people are able to participate in the real estate market, creating economic opportunities and stability in local communities. Reasonable home prices also encourage investment from outside sources which can help create jobs and stimulate growth in struggling areas. For these reasons and more, it's important that governments take steps to ensure that home ownership remains accessible to all citizens by keeping home prices at reasonable levels.

Mortgage rates in Edmonton

If you're in the market for a mortgage in Edmonton, now is an ideal time to buy. Historically speaking, the mortgage rates in Canada have been on a downward trend since 1981, and recently have been at historical lows. Despite minor fluctuations, these low rates have been consistent in Edmonton over the last decade. Seeing as many other parts of Canada are seeing minor increases in mortgage rates due to economies heating up, it seems that Edmonton is still enjoying historically low mortgage rates. Whether you're just starting out with your first home or you've been paying onto a mortgage for years, this could be the perfect opportunity to invest in a property while taking advantage of some great premiums and interest rates.

Tips for buying a home in Edmonton

Edmonton is a beautiful, affordable place to buy a home. South Edmonton in particular is a great area to consider when purchasing a property. When buying a home in Edmonton there are many important factors to take into consideration and having the right information can help make the process much smoother. Research the market before you begin, so you know what type of pricing range you should expect and be aware of any additional costs that may incur throughout the process. Get pre-qualified for financing so you can understand your budget, and obtain other professional advice such as that from lawyers, realtors, insurance agents, and inspectors so that all your bases are covered before signing any official documents. Don't forget to factor in utilities and tax costs too! Consider all these tips when looking at buying a home in Edmonton and start living the life in this vibrant city!

When it comes to buying a home in Edmonton, it is important to consider the area you want to live in. Different areas of the city offer different amenities and advantages, so it’s crucial that you do your research before committing to a particular neighborhood. Some neighborhoods are known for their vibrant nightlife while others may be more family-oriented; some areas have quick access to public transportation while other parts of the city are better suited for those who prefer driving. Knowing which part of town suits your lifestyle will help ensure that you find a place that fits with your needs and budget. Additionally, understanding what type of property is available in each area can also help narrow down your search and make sure that you get exactly what you're looking for when buying a home in Edmonton.

The benefits of buying a home in Edmonton

If you're considering buying a home, Edmonton is an ideal place - offering a variety of benefits over other Canadian cities. For starters, Edmonton has affordability on its side, with lower housing costs than many other major cities in Canada. It also presents a great lifestyle choice - whether you’re looking for access to beaches and mountains nearby or a vibrant city life with plenty to explore! Plus, the city offers countless employment opportunities and excellent public transportation options. Whether you're moving to start a new life or just need an escape from the hustle of big city living, Edmonton makes for an exciting prospect with something for everyone!Living in Northern Alberta comes with a host of benefits, from breathtaking natural landscapes to vibrant urban centers. From the snow-capped Rocky Mountains to the lush boreal forests, this region offers stunning scenery and endless opportunities for outdoor adventure. In addition, Northern Alberta is home to some of Canada's major cities such as Edmonton and Calgary, providing residents with access to employment opportunities, cultural attractions and world-class amenities. With its diverse range of activities and attractions - both rural and urban - living in Northern Alberta can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Whether you're looking for a quiet retreat or an exciting new city life, this region has something for everyone!

The drawbacks of buying a home in Edmonton

Edmonton may be Alberta's vibrant capital, but before you commit to making it your home, it's best to consider all the drawbacks. Whether you're looking for a long-term investment or just want a place to lay some roots for a few years, buying a home in Edmonton does involve risks. Despite its many strengths, from its climate to its redeveloped downtown core and top-notch public amenities, potential homeowners should watch out for the city's high unemployment rate and sprawl that lowers affordability. While living in Edmonton has plenty of rewards worth considering, taking the time to understand these drawbacks can help provide an invaluable perspective that affects your decision-making process.

Edmonton is a great place to live and invest in a property. The current state of the economy is stable, prices are reasonable, and mortgage rates are low. If you're thinking about buying a home in Edmonton, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, be sure to do your research and work with a reputable real estate agent. Second, don't Rush into anything - take your time and make sure you're making the right decision for you. Finally, remember that there are both benefits and drawbacks to owning a home; weigh these carefully before making your final decision. If you have any questions about the process of buying a home in Edmonton or would like some help getting started, please let me know. I'd be happy to chat with you further about this exciting opportunity!


Prime Edmonton Real Estate  - If you're looking to purchase a home in Edmonton for $1000000, you'll have plenty of options to choose from. In this blog post, we'll outline some of the different types of homes that you could buy in the city for this price range. Regardless of your budget, there are plenty of homes on the market that will fit your needs. Keep reading to learn more about what your options are for purchasing a home in Edmonton for $1000000.

Buying a home for $1000000 is no small feat. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to be able to afford such an investment, but it's definitely possible. Whether you're saving up for a down payment or taking out a mortgage, there are many steps you'll need to take in order to make your dream come true. From budgeting and investing wisely to researching different loan options and shopping around for the best deals, buying a million dollar home requires careful planning and smart decision-making. In this blog post, we'll discuss the various aspects of affording such an expensive purchase so that you can make sure all your bases are covered when it comes time to buy your new home!

Often times, people who look at properties above the $1 million mark assume that this will equate to a massive amount of square footage. While this can be generally true, it is not always the case. There are a few different factors that go into pricing a property above a $1 million. This is generally determined by supply and demand. If there is only a few of a very special type of property, in a special type of area, then that's all you need to get into the upper echelons of pricing. For example, there currently are empty lots that are not incredibly large that have listed and sold for over a $1 million with no property on it whatsoever!

Look at the average prices of homes in different parts of Edmonton.

Edmonton is a sprawling metropolis with housing prices that vary significantly based on the part of town. An analysis of domestic real estate in Edmonton reveals that the west side is generally 10-20% more expensive than other areas. More affluent neighborhoods in the southern part tend to have higher costs compared to slightly more affordable average prices in the north of the city. Investing in a home within Edmonton can be an especially wise decision, as these properties tend to increase considerably in value over time.

Edmonton is home to some of the most desirable million dollar homes in Canada. From luxurious downtown condos to sprawling suburban estates, there are plenty of options for those looking to invest in a property worth $1000000 or more. High-end communities like Glenora, Strathcona, and Westbrook Estates offer upscale amenities and stunning views that make them popular choices among home buyers who can afford it. The city also offers many historical neighbourhoods with charming homes on large lots, making them ideal for buyers who want an elegant lifestyle without sacrificing convenience. Whether you’re looking for a modern condo or a classic brick house, Edmonton has something perfect for everyone's budget and style!

Find a real estate agent who knows the market well and can help you find a home that fits your budget.

Jerad Cox is the perfect real estate agent for those looking for an experienced professional who knows the market well and can help you find a home that fits your budget. Jerad has many years of experience in the industry, and he's able to provide invaluable advice about price points, neighborhood features and potential growth opportunities. Jerad stands out by putting his clients first, offering personalized guidance and providing detailed explanations of complicated procedures so buyers understand exactly what they're signing up for. With Jerad's extensive knowledge, keen eye for detail and dedication to getting his customers' needs met, Jerad Cox is the ideal agent to help turn buyers' home-buying dreams into reality.

When it comes to buying a million-dollar home, the expertise of an experienced realtor is invaluable. A great real estate agent can make all the difference in finding exactly the right property for your needs, budget and style. Realtors like Jerad Cox have an extensive knowledge of the market and a keen eye for detail that can help prospective buyers find properties that meet their needs and goals. Jerad has many years of industry experience, allowing him to provide detailed explanations of complicated procedures and offer personalized guidance tailored to each client’s unique situation.

He gives his clients the time they need to explore their options, offering careful consideration and extensive research on local market conditions, neighborhood characteristics and potential growth opportunities. He will also work with lenders to ensure you get the best loan terms possible so that you can purchase your dream home without breaking the bank. By understanding your needs as a buyer, Jerad does more than just show you listings — he helps you make smart decisions about where and how to invest your money. With his dedication to helping his clients succeed in their pursuit of home ownership, he makes sure every step is taken with care so that you can feel comfortable with your new home purchase.

Consider what kind of home you want to buy – a detached house, townhouse, or condo unit.

Estate homes are a top choice for many homebuyers. Estate homes provide the privacy that comes with owning a detached house, as well as more space to customize than a townhouse or condo unit. With estate homes, homeowners can choose from customizable floor plans and exterior designs that suit their lifestyle. In addition, estate homes are often located in exclusive neighborhoods to ensure the utmost comfort and security of those living in the estate home. Purchasing an estate home is certainly a sound investment that affords families the opportunity to enjoy all of the benefits of owning a detached house on their own piece of property.

When it comes to buying a million-dollar home, there are several options available: single family homes, townhomes and apartments. Each type of property has its own unique benefits and drawbacks that buyers should consider before making their purchase. Single family homes offer the most privacy and space for customization, while townhomes provide more ownership flexibility with shared common areas. Apartments tend to be the least expensive option but may lack in customization capabilities or amenities compared to other types of properties. Depending on your needs and budget, one of these three types of million-dollar homes may be right for you!

Think about how much space you need and what kind of features are important to you.

When it comes to luxury accommodations, it is not only important to determine the amount of space needed and consider what features are essential, but also contemplate how your preferences can elevate and enhance your stay. Make sure to take time while selecting amenities and services that suit you best, as luxury travel should be nothing short of an incredible experience. Only then will you be able to spend quality time and create unforgettable memories.

Million-dollar homes are the epitome of luxury, offering an array of luxurious features and amenities that most other homes don’t have. One such feature is extra rooms – with a million-dollar home you can expect to find additional bedrooms, bathrooms, living spaces and even outdoor areas. These added rooms provide homeowners with more space to customize their living environment according to their needs and preferences. Not only do they add an element of comfort and convenience but also offer ample opportunities for entertainment or relaxation. Whether it be a media room, gym area or game room, these extra spaces can help create an atmosphere unique to each homeowner’s lifestyle. With the right design choices and furnishings these bonus rooms can become your favorite place to retreat from everyday life!

Once you've found a few potential homes, have your agent negotiate on your behalf to get the best price possible.

When evaluating real estate options, the advantages of having a real estate agent negotiate for you quickly become apparent. An experienced real estate negotiator has the skill set to assist you in making sure that any prospective residence is worth the asking price and to negotiate on your behalf to secure the best price possible. Leveraging their abundance of real estate experience and knowledge, you can be sure that your real estate negotiations will be handled in a professional manner leading to an optimal outcome for you.

Having a solid negotiator on your side is essential when it comes to purchasing a million-dollar home. Negotiating the purchase of such an expensive property can be difficult and daunting, which is why it’s important to have someone experienced in real estate transactions by your side. A good negotiator will ensure that you get the best price possible for the home, as well as help you understand all aspects of the deal so that you are making an informed decision. They also know how to leverage their knowledge and experience to make sure that any potential issues or concerns with the purchase are addressed before closing. With a skilled negotiator on your side, you can rest assured that all aspects of your real estate transaction will go smoothly and efficiently.

Edmonton is a great place to buy a home, but it's important to do your research before you start shopping. Look at the average prices of homes in different parts of the city and find a real estate agent who knows the market well. Consider what kind of home you want to buy – a detached house, townhouse, or condo unit – and think about how much space you need and what features are important to you. Once you've found a few potential homes, have your agent negotiate on your behalf to get the best price possible. Looking for Million Dollar Homes in Edmonton? We can help you find the perfect home for your needs.


Prime Edmonton Real Estate - I'm often asked why I moved to Edmonton, and my answer is always the same: it's a great place for young professionals! Here are a few reasons why I think so:

-there is a lot of opportunity here. With a growing economy and plenty of new businesses popping up, there are lots of chances to get your foot in the door somewhere

-the cost of living is relatively low compared to other major cities. That means you can save some money while you're working on starting your career

-it's a smaller city than places like Toronto or Vancouver, which can be overwhelming. But that also means it's easier to meet people and make friends

Whether you're looking for an exciting opportunity or a laid-back lifestyle, Edmonton has something to offer everyone. So if you're considering making the move, go for it! You won't regret it.

The city is full of opportunity - there are lots of businesses and industries growing here, so you'll have no trouble finding a job that suits your skillset.

The city has something for everyone. It's full of opportunity and that's something we should all be thankful for! Whether you're looking to start your own business, or join an existing industry, you'll find it here. There are countless job opportunities in a wide range of industries - from tech to healthcare to finance - so if you have the skills and qualifications, you can almost certainly find the perfect fit. It's the one of most vibrant cities in the world and it's always exciting to think what could happen next - get out there and make your mark today!

Edmonton is a great place to build your career, but it's also an amazing place to live. It's full of friendly people and great places - from parks and lakes to restaurants, cafes and shops. You can find whatever you need here, so there's always something new just around the corner. Plus, the city is incredibly accessible by car or public transit, making it easy to get around town quickly and efficiently.

No matter what you're looking for in life, Edmonton has something for everyone! So if you're ready for a change or some new opportunities in your career – this might be the perfect place for you.

Edmonton is also a very affordable place to live, which is great news for young professionals who are just starting out in their careers.

Edmonton is a great place for young professionals to start their careers, and not just because of the job opportunities. It's also known for being an affordable place to live! What does that mean for those of us starting out? You don't have to be a millionaire to enjoy life in Edmonton. Whether it's dining out or taking advantage of the seasonal activities, you'll find yourself with money in your pockets. And so much potential ahead if you decide to put down roots here!

The city is also known for its vibrant arts and culture scene. From galleries, to museums, to art walks and festivals, you're sure to find something that sparks your interest. You'll love the nightlife too - there's always a great place to grab drinks with friends or enjoy live music. With all these opportunities to explore, it's no wonder young professionals are drawn to this city!

Finally, Edmonton has plenty of outdoor activities for those seeking an adventure. From bike trails and hiking paths to skiing in the winter months, there's something for everyone here. If you're looking for an active lifestyle, Edmonton is definitely the place for you!

With so much going on in this city, it's no wonder why many professionals and young families are pinpointing Edmonton as a potential destination.

The city has a lot to offer in terms of entertainment and nightlife, so you'll never be bored here! There are plenty of bars and clubs to check out, as well as museums and art galleries.

Hey everyone, if you're looking for a place to have the time of your life and stay entertained, look no further! The city has got some awesome nightlife activities up its sleeve. Whether you want to enjoy keenly crafted cocktails in some of the trendiest bars or lose yourself in an immersive club experience, this is definitely the place to be. For those who crave a more educational experience, why not check out some of the amazing art galleries or museums for an evening full of exploration and discovery? Either way, rest assured that you'll never be bored here!

surprise that young professionals are drawn to the city of Edmonton. With its affordability, vibrant culture and outdoor activities, it's no wonder why people are choosing to make this city their home! So if you're looking for a great place to start your career or just need a change of scenery, consider Edmonton – you won't regret it!

Edmonton is also a great place to raise a family, if that's something you're thinking about down the line. There are excellent schools and plenty of green space for kids to run around in.

Edmonton is a fantastic option for those looking to raise a family. From its numerous elementary and high schools, to the various parks and recreational opportunities - you can rest assured that your kids will have plenty of chances to play and grow up in one of Canada's most diverse and vibrant cities. Whether taking a stroll down Whyte Avenue or spending the day at Fort Edmonton Park, both parents and children alike will never run out of new experiences to enjoy!

Overall, Edmonton is just an all-around great city to live in - it has everything you could want or need, and then some! If you're looking for a place to start your career, this is definitely the right choice.

If you're looking for a place to kickstart your career, Edmonton is definitely the right spot! I mean, it's got it all - the people, the infrastructure, the job opportunities. And despite being in Canada, it's surprisingly affordable living compared to other comparable cities in North America. Plus, you get to enjoy an ethnically diverse city with plenty of welcoming locals. But what really sold me on living here was how vibrant and exciting the nightlife scene is – there are always new places popping up and something fun to see or do! Overall, Edmonton is just an amazing city that offers everything you need and more.

Edmonton is a wonderful city that offers its residents plenty of opportunity, affordability and entertainment. This is an excellent place to start your career because there are so many businesses and industries growing here. You'll never be bored in Edmonton thanks to all the bars, clubs, museums and art galleries - there's always something new to check out! And if you're thinking about starting a family one day, this would be a great place to raise kids since there are excellent schools and plenty of green space. So overall, if you're looking for a city to live in that has everything you could want or need, then Edmonton should definitely be at the top of your list!


Prime Edmonton Real Estate - If you're in the market for some retail therapy, Edmonton is the place to be! With a variety of shopping centres and districts to choose from, you'll be spoiled for choice. To help you narrow it down, we've put together a guide on where to shop in Edmonton depending on what you're looking for. So whether you're after designer labels or unique local boutiques, read on to find out where to start your shopping spree!

Now I don't shop until I drop, but I can find a good deal when I need to. This is especially true when considering that I have 4 others to help dress throughout the year - including 3 kids who out grow their clothes before they wear them out! I also am a hardcore 'window shopper', someone who is constantly doing my research for the time and place where I do need to expand my wardrobe. With that in mind, here are some of the best places that I have found in and around the Edmonton area:

The West Edmonton Mall is the biggest mall in North America and has over 800 stores

Edmonton is home to the largest mall in all of North America: the West Edmonton Mall! This shopping and entertainment complex has been a major draw for Edmontonians and visitors ever since it opened its doors in 1981. With over 800 stores, the mall offers something for everyone - from clothing stores, restaurants, and movie theatres to themed attractions like Galaxyland. Its diverse entertainment options attract millions of visitors each year, making it a truly remarkable place.

The West Edmonton Mall is an iconic destination in the city of Edmonton, Canada. It was opened in 1981 and has since become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors each year. The mall spans over 48 hectares and houses more than 800 stores as well as numerous entertainment attractions such as Galaxyland, an indoor amusement park. Since its opening, it has been recognized for its innovative design and expansive size - at one point it held the title of being the largest shopping centre in North America! Its popularity continues to thrive today with locals and tourists alike flocking to this unique retail experience.

Southgate Centre is a popular shopping destination for locals and tourists alike

Southgate Centre, located in the heart of Edmonton, is a beloved shopping destination for locals and visitors alike who seek out experience and convenience all in one place. Since renovations were completed in 2013, Southgate has grown even more popular with shoppers, boasting an easy layout and a wide variety of choices to suit anyone's tastes. With over 200 stores, restaurants, cafés and services available under one roof, Southgate provides something for everyone all year round. Whether you're seeking fashion trends or gifts for family and friends, Southgate Centre is sure to have something that will surely please your inner shopper!

If you're looking for high-end fashion and luxury goods, Southgate Mall is the place to go. Located in the heart of Edmonton, this popular shopping destination offers a variety of upscale shops that cater to those who want only the best. From designer labels like Gucci and Prada to exclusive jewellery stores such as Tiffany & Co., Southgate Mall has something for everyone seeking stylish sophistication. Whether it's an elegant evening gown or exquisite diamond jewellery, you'll find what you need at this chic mall! With its selection of top-tier retailers and services, Southgate is sure to make your shopping experience truly unforgettable.

Old Strathcona is home to many unique boutiques, cafes, and restaurants

Old Strathcona, a historic local neighbourhood in Edmonton, is known for its various local businesses like boutiques, cafes, and restaurants. One can find more than just the stand-by national chains here - the neighbourhood is home to some of the most unique local businesses in the city. From local clothing stores to specialty cafes and trendy eateries, Old Strathcona is an interesting destination for any local looking to support local business in Edmonton and experience something new.

Whyte Avenue is the perfect place to find vintage clothing, art, and antiques

If you're looking for one-of-a-kind vintage finds, then Whyte Avenue should be at the top of your shopping list. This quaint street is lined with unique stores that offer a wide selection of vintage clothes, art, and antiques. You'll find all sorts of special items from the 1950s to modern items from the 21st century. There's nothing quite like finding something original and special that no one else has. Plus, many shop owners are passionate about their stores and will even tell you stories about their finds or the history behind them! Whether you're in need of a special outfit for an upcoming event or are searching for a unique piece for your home, you can find it all on Whyte Avenue.

Manchester in Edmonton?

Manchester Square in Edmonton is an iconic shopping center that is known for its vibrant atmosphere and diverse selection of stores. Located near the downtown area in Queen Mary Park, it offers a variety of shops ranging from high-end boutiques to more affordable options. The mall itself spans across two levels with a wide range of stores, restaurants, and services. It also serves as a hub for local entertainment and cultural events such as music concerts, art exhibitions, and festivals.

Manchester Square is particularly well known for its unique mix of independent stores, offering visitors the chance to explore items they won’t find anywhere else. Here shoppers can find locally sourced products such as handmade jewelry, pottery and textiles crafted by local artisans. Additionally, visitors can browse through boutique clothing stores or enjoy a bite to eat at one of the many eateries dotting the space.

The Manchester Square has been an important part of Edmonton's history since it first opened in 2022. It has become an integral part of both Edmonton's Instagrammable spots and retail landscape and continues to attract tourists from far and wide seeking unique experiences year round. Boasting several landmarks such as the famous clock tower located in the center court area, Manchester Square serves as a true symbol of Edmonton’s culture and history while still providing locals with all their shopping needs.

Downtown Edmonton has high-end retailers as well as department stores like Hudson's Bay

Downtown Edmonton is an amazing shopping destination for everyone. There are a variety of high-end retailers that offer designer brands and unique products. For those who prefer less expensive options, the iconic department store Hudson's Bay is perfect. In addition to great sales, you can explore the history of this stunning building which stands as a symbol of Edmonton's rich heritage. The best part is you can find everything you need without having to move around too much; Downtown Edmonton offers convenience in addition to great shopping!

If you're looking for bargains, check out one of the city's outlet malls

If you're looking for great deals and discounts, the outlet malls located in the city are perfect. They offer all kinds of top-brand fashion and accessories, appliances and electronics, as well as plenty of home goods. Plus, the prices are unbeatable! Not only can you find accessories to complete any wardrobe at a discount, but you can also stock up on small household items such as coffee makers or vacuum cleaners for less than half their usual cost. So if you have an eye for deals that won't break your bank account, head to one of these malls - chances are you'll be pleasantly surprised by what you find!

The Edmonton Airport Outlet Mall is the perfect place for savvy shoppers looking to save. Located in the same area as the airport, this outlet mall offers an array of designer labels at discounted prices. Visitors can browse a wide selection of clothing from well-known brands such as Nike and Adidas, accessories like jewellery and sunglasses, shoes, toys and home decor. With its wide selection of items from top designers and brands, shoppers can find unique pieces that won't break the bank. In addition to discounts on products, the mall also hosts seasonal sales events with special offers such as additional discounts on already reduced items. If you need a last minute gift or want to pick up something special for yourself without spending too much money, then head to the Edmonton Airport Outlet Mall and discover true savings!

No matter what you're looking for, you'll be able to find it in Edmonton. With over 800 stores, the West Edmonton Mall is the biggest mall in North America and a popular destination for both locals and tourists. Southgate Centre is another great option, especially if you're looking for unique boutiques and cafes. If you're interested in vintage clothing, art, or antiques, make sure to check out Whyte Avenue. For high-end retailers and department stores, head downtown. And finally, if you want to find some great deals, visit one of Edmonton's many outlet malls. So whether you're shopping for yourself or others this holiday season, start your search in Edmonton!


Prime Edmonton Real Estate - If you're considering Edmonton as your new home, there are a few things you'll want to take into account before making the final decision. In this blog post, we'll explore what factors you should consider when choosing a home for your family in Edmonton. We'll also provide some helpful tips and resources to get you started on your journey. So whether you're looking for your first family home or Ready to move up to something bigger, this blog post will help guide your way. Let's get started!

As a married father of 5, I definitely know the importance of having a place for my family and I to call our own - to rest, relax, connect with my kids, and to feel safe. Socializing is still important, but most often it is in the form of kid 'play dates' where the adults attached to the kids also come for a visit. Parents also need their space within the family home as well, which is something that is often (and mistakenly) overlooked. And if you have pets, making sure the house and yard space can accommodate them is also a major factor.

When choosing a family home, there are many factors to consider. The most important is finding a house that fits your needs and budget. You'll want to make sure the home has enough space for everyone in your family as well as any pets or hobbies you might have. Additionally, it's important to look at the neighborhood and surrounding areas to ensure they provide everything you need such as schools, grocery stores, parks, etc. Finally, safety should be top of mind when selecting a new home; research crime rates in the area and take into account any other potential risks when making your decision. With these factors in mind, you can select the perfect family home for you!

Location - consider the neighbourhood, commute, schools, and parks

When it comes to location, there are so many factors to consider! Where is the neighbourhood, how is the commute, what are the schooling options, and do parks nearby exist? These are all valid questions. If you drive to work and are looking for a well-connected area with ample parking spots, then having easy access to highways and major roads may be top priority for an ideal location choice. In terms of education, being close to primary schools or higher-education institutions is certainly an attractive feature. Finally, parks are great community hubs - having one that provides outdoor spaces for people of all ages can be a huge bonus. Ultimately, the perfect location should tick all of these boxes and provide a sense of home.

Good schools in your area can be a major factor when choosing the perfect family home. Quality education is essential for children, and having access to quality schools will ensure that they get the best education possible. Good schools provide resources such as libraries, technology labs, and extracurricular activities which can help foster learning and growth in students. In addition, good schools often have strong parent-teacher relationships which are important for creating an environment of trust between parents and teachers. Furthermore, good schools also promote community values such as respect and responsibility which helps students develop into well-rounded individuals. Therefore, it's important to consider school ratings before making your final decision on where to live with your family!

Size - think about how much space you need now and in the future

Edmonton is an ever-growing city, and as its population increases so too does the size and complexity of Edmonton homes. When thinking about which Edmonton home to buy or rent, it's important to take into consideration both current and future needs regarding size and space. Not only should prospective buyers look for a home big enough for their present family, but they should also have foresight when deciding on square footage. Whether large or small, Edmonton homes come in many shapes and sizes; if preparing for the future, make sure to select a property that allows for expansion if needed.

When selecting a family home, it's important to think about the future and how your needs may change. If you have children or are planning on having them in the near future, then it's essential to plan for their growth and development when choosing a home. Having enough space for everyone is key; this means thinking ahead and considering what size house you'll need once your kids get older. Not only should there be room for each child but also areas where they can study, play, entertain friends, etc. Furthermore, additional bedrooms may be necessary if more than one child will eventually occupy the same room or if they require separate spaces as they grow up. Planning ahead by choosing an appropriately sized property now will save time and money down the line so that when those inevitable transitions come around you won’t have to scramble to find something new!

Budget - be realistic about what you can afford

Edmonton real estate can be pricey, and it’s important that you stay realistic about the budget you have in mind. It’s easy to get carried away when touring a beautiful home or dreaming about all the features a property could offer, and this is why it is important to remember your maximum budget for Edmonton real estate. Doing some research beforehand on what Edmonton homes are currently listed for, and budgeting accordingly will go a long way in helping you find the home of your dreams without overspending or regretting future decisions.

It's important to remember not to overextend yourself when it comes to purchasing a home. Being “house poor” - that is, spending too much money on your house and having little left over for other expenses - can be a serious financial burden. Not only can it leave you unable to cover the cost of daily living expenses, but it also means that any unexpected costs or emergencies may put you in difficult positions financially. As such, it is essential that potential buyers plan ahead and budget realistically when choosing their perfect family home in Edmonton. This will ensure they have enough funds left over after mortgage payments and property taxes are taken care of - so they don't find themselves struggling with an unsustainable level of debt down the line.

Style - pick a home that reflects your personal taste

With so many home design styles out there, it can be difficult to pick one that best reflects your personal taste. However, selecting a home with the style that truly speaks to you provides an opportunity to make a house a home and truly express yourself. Choosing a home with the right style helps reflect your unique personality and expresses your ideals through the visual environment you live in. Whether it’s a cozy cottage or an ultra-modern home, finding something special that resonates with you is key to transforming your house into a home.

When it comes to selecting a home, there are many different design styles available to choose from. Whether you prefer the traditional look of an older home or something more modern and contemporary, there is sure to be a style out there for everyone. From cozy cottages with rustic charm to ultra-modern homes with sleek lines and minimalist features, Edmonton has a wide variety of unique home designs that can fit any taste or lifestyle. With so many options available, prospective buyers are sure to find something special that speaks to their individual personalities and expresses their ideals through the visual environment they live in.

Extras - look for features like a garage or a backyard

If you're looking for a place to call home, be sure to consider extras like a garage or backyard. These can add considerable value and convenience to your living situation. A garage may give you the extra space you need for storing bulky items, partaking in DIY projects, or just having a workshop of your own. Likewise, a backyard offers an ideal area for relaxing or having friends and family over during nicer weather. So if you're searching for the perfect fit when it comes to potential homes, be sure to keep these additional features in mind!

When it comes to choosing a backyard for your children and pets, there are a few things to consider. First, is the size of the backyard, as it needs to be big enough for kids to play in, and also comfortable enough for pets to roam. If possible, look for a fully fenced-in yard that offers a safe and secure area for them to explore. Secondly, think about landscaping features such as trees or gardens that can provide pleasant places for kids and animals alike. You may want to create dedicated play areas or even add seating areas so you can relax while keeping an eye on the little ones. Additionally, think about how much sun your backyard receives as this will determine whether you need to invest in providing shade or shade sails so everyone stays comfortable during hotter days. Finally, if possible choose yards with soft ground coverings like grass or mulch instead of hard surfaces such as concrete which can be uncomfortable and dangerous for kids and pets alike. With these factors in mind, you should have no problem finding the perfect backyard for both your children and pets!

Location, size, budget, style, and extras are all important factors to consider when shopping for a home. It's important to find a balance between what you need and what you want in order to find the perfect home for you and your family. If you're looking for help finding a home in Edmonton, our team of experts would be more than happy to assist you. We know the ins and outs of the city and can help you find a home that meets all of your criteria. Contact us today to get started!


Prime Edmonton Real Estate - If you're looking to buy a home in Edmonton, you may be wondering what your options are under $400,000. Here's a look at some of the homes you can purchase in this price range in Edmonton! For a single-family detached home, you can find 3 - 4 bedroom homes with around 1,000 - 1,500 square feet of living space. You'll also be able to find some older homes in the downtown and surrounding areas. For townhomes and condos, you can easily purchase 2+ bedrooms with 800 - 1,100 square feet of extremely high end living space and finishes. Additionally, if you're looking for something a little more unique or luxurious you can still find great options under $400,000. In this price range, you could purchase a luxury condo with modern features such as stainless steel appliances and granite countertops. Or maybe even an executive townhome complete with an attached garage!

Depending on what your preferences are, you will be able to buy something in pretty much any neighborhood in Edmonton, with the exception of some estate home based neighborhoods.

Here are some things to consider when buying a home in Edmonton under $400000:

Look for a fixer-upper in a desirable neighbourhood

Edmonton is the perfect city to hunt for a fixer-upper in a desirable neighbourhood! With its wide range of neighbourhoods, Edmonton has something desirable for everyone. From buying an older home with potential to customize it to your liking, you can find something that suits your taste and need. Edmonton also has rising real estate prices, so you will be investing your money in something that will continue to go up in value. Whether you desire accommodation on the same floor or across multiple, Edmonton's options are sure to provide what you're looking for in a fixer-upper. Now is the time to get started hunting - Edmonton is ready when you are!

When it comes to buying a home in Edmonton, you may be considering a fixer-upper or a knockdown. Both options have their pros and cons, so let's take a look at the difference between them. A fixer upper is an existing property that needs some work done to make it livable and desirable. This could include cosmetic updates such as painting walls or updating fixtures, as well as more substantial renovations like replacing flooring or installing new appliances. On the other hand, a knockdown home involves demolishing an existing structure and building something entirely new from scratch on its foundation. While this can be costlier than buying a fixer-upper, there are many advantages to taking this approach including customizing the layout of your home exactly how you want it and having everything brand new! Ultimately, both options depend on your budget and preferences when it comes to finding the perfect place for you in Edmonton!

Research recent sales in the area to get an idea of what your money can buy

Working with a Realtor to research recent sales in your area can be a powerful tool when deciding how best to invest your money. With access to current market trends, Realtors can help you understand the potential return on investment and suggest properties that offer the best value. In addition, they can provide insight into whether now is the right time to buy or if waiting until the market corrects itself further might help yield better results. Researching the area's recent sales is an important step to make sure that your money buys exactly what you need. This will take out more of the stress from the transaction, because you know what has been out in the market and whether or not it is a good financial decision or not.

When researching an area for a potential home purchase, there are several important factors to consider. It is important to look at the location in relation to work and amenities such as schools, shopping and entertainment options. Home buyers should also research the neighbourhood's crime rate, access to public transit and average house prices. Additionally, it is wise to investigate any upcoming developments that could affect property values in the future. Finally, researching recent sales in the area can provide insight into what your money can buy - helping you make an informed decision on where best to invest your hard-earned cash!

Find a real estate agent who is familiar with the market and can help you find the right home

Edmonton is a great place to live and finding the right home can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. That's why it's important to find a real estate agent who knows Edmonton and its real estate market. Your agent should be experienced, knowledgeable, friendly and trustworthy when helping you navigate Edmonton's real estate scene. They'll be happy to answer all your questions about Edmonton neighbourhoods and the different kinds of homes available - from condominiums to townhouses - so you're sure to find the perfect fit for your lifestyle!Finding the right Realtor for your home search is essential to ensure that you make a sound investment.

A good real estate agent will be familiar with the local market and have knowledge of current trends in order to help you find the perfect fit for your lifestyle. They should also be experienced enough to answer all your questions and provide insight into potential return on investment, as well as any upcoming developments that could affect property values in the future. When looking for a real estate agent, it’s important to take some time to research their background, read reviews from past clients and get referrals from friends or family before making a decision. With an experienced Realtor by your side, you can feel confident that you’re getting both quality service and value when investing in Edmonton’s real estate market!

Be prepared to put in some work yourself to save money on renovations

Renovating your home can be a daunting task. HGTV shows have made it look simpler than it is, however, investing the time and effort yourself to save money on renovations is a sound decision. With careful planning and research you can find the right supplies and materials for your project at prices that are within budget. Not only that but many tasks can be completed over the weekend with minimal tools and DIY tips, giving you the satisfaction of seeing the fruits of your labor quickly. In addition, with more planning involved you can ensure that you are making quality decisions with regards to supplies and not compromising on quality just to save money in the short term. All in all, putting some work into saving money on renovations will pay off in unexpected ways.

I have personally gone the 'buy low and reno' plan, and have had success from both an aesthetic and financial level. Deciding which renovations to do and not to do can be a tricky process. On one hand, you want to improve your home’s look and value, but on the other hand, you don’t want to overspend or make decisions that will cost more in the long run. It is important to create a plan for your renovation project that includes both short-term goals and long-term objectives as well as an estimate of how much money it will take to complete. Additionally, researching materials and supplies ahead of time can help ensure that you get quality products at reasonable prices. With careful planning and research, you can find the right balance between improving your home's aesthetic appeal while still staying within budget.

Have a realistic budget and be willing to compromise on features or size

When it comes to making a budget for buying a new home, it's important to take realistic factors into account. Although having an ideal property you'd love to own might be tempting, it's still crucial to establish the parameters of the investment. Consider income and expenses carefully and be willing to let go of some features or size if needed. Compromising is part of the process, however, creating a realistic budget from the beginning will help save time in searching for the perfect home that fits your needs and income. Smart decision-making starts with setting up a smart budget - do your homework now and you'll be rewarded when you find the right house.

It's important to remember that a home is more than just an investment, it’s where you will live and make memories. That’s why it's essential to avoid becoming house poor when buying a new home. House poor is the term used for people who spend too much of their income on housing costs such as mortgage payments, taxes, insurance and maintenance fees. This can lead to financial instability and stress down the line as they are unable to afford other necessities or save money for future expenses. To prevent this from happening, buyers should have a realistic budget in mind before searching for properties so that they don't end up overspending or compromising on features or size. With careful planning and research, buyers can find the right balance between finding an affordable property while still making sure their needs are met.

Be patient - it may take some time to find the perfect home, but it will be worth it in the end!

Edmonton real estate can be daunting to research and hunt through, but with a large and varied selection of homes, you are sure to find the right one for you! Taking your time to look at all the options is key; this means that you might not discover the perfect Edmonton home straightaway, so don’t be discouraged if that is your initial experience— have confidence in yourself, and patience will prevail! With a little bit of time you will find a home that best suits your needs and wants, making it worth the wait for such an important decision. The reality is that there will be plenty of options for those who are patient.

With these tips in mind, you should be well on your way to finding your dream fixer-upper. Just remember that patience is key - the perfect home for you is out there, it might just take some time and effort to find it. If you're ready to start your search, or have any questions about the process, contact Jerad Cox today. He would be happy to help you!


Prime Edmonton Real Estate - If you live in BC or Ontario, there are plenty of reasons to consider moving to Edmonton. Here are 10 reasons why you should make the move:

1. The cost of living is much lower than in other parts of the country.

2. You can enjoy all four seasons here – and each one is beautiful.

3. There are so many great things to do, both inside and outside the city.

4. The food scene is amazing, with something for everyone.

5. It’s a friendly and welcoming city that makes newcomers feel at home.

6. You can get around easily without a car – public transit is great here!

7. The job market is strong and there are plenty of opportunities for growth.

8..The housing market is affordable, whether you’re looking to buy or rent.

9.It’s safe here – you can walk around at night without worrying about your safety.

10. Edmontonians are just plain nice people! And that makes this city an even better place to live.

The cost of living is much lower than in other parts of the country.

Moving to the midwest has been one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life. Not only is the cost of living substantially lower than other parts of the country, but the quality of life has definitely improved significantly. From affordable housing and utilities to all types of supermarkets, I'm very grateful that I can still enjoy all of the things that city-dwellers can, as well as have some acreage and access to parks and wildlife. There's something special about a kind and welcoming community – one that gives you plenty of opportunities while being economical at the same time!

You can enjoy all four seasons here – and each one is beautiful.

One of the best things about living here is being able to experience all four seasons throughout the year. Each season offers a unique and special experience; in the spring, flowers bloom as warm weather eventually melts away winter’s chill. In the summer, beach days can be spent soaking up the sun or playing in the waves; in autumn, bright colors hint of coming colder weather and cooler temperatures provide for perfect afternoons to spend with friends. And finally, winter brings snow action - skiing, sledding, snowshoeing – followed by cozy evenings at home with friends or loved ones. No matter what time of year it is here, you’re guaranteed to have something beautiful!

There are so many great things to do, both inside and outside the city.

If you're considering a place to live, why not somewhere that has something for everyone? There are so many great things to do inside and outside the city, making it an ideal place to call home. Whether you want take a stroll in a park or explore some of your favorite shops and restaurants downtown, there's something out there for you. From sporting events for the sports enthusiast to theater programs for those who appreciate the arts, the city has something for everyone - no matter how diverse their interests may be. Plus, with its convenient transportation systems, getting around is easy, so whether you feel like staying in or venturing out exploring new places – going far or near – it's all within reach!

The food scene is amazing, with something for everyone.

Edmonton is the perfect culinary destination, with something to suit every palate! From cozy cafes to hip new eateries, the city boasts diverse flavors from around the world. Here, you can find unique dishes from various cultures as well as classic comfort foods. It is no surprise then that locals and visitors alike flock to Edmonton for its vibrant food scene. From simple street eats to creative gastronomic experiences, this city definitely has something for everyone!

It’s a friendly and welcoming city that makes newcomers feel at home.

If you're the type of person who loves people and wants to be a part of a close-knit community, then look no further than this friendly and welcoming city. When you move here, you immediately become a part of something new and exciting. Everyone is really open and kind, and will always greet newcomers with a warm embrace. It's an open city that encourages diversity in its culture, as well as its acceptance for everyone it meets. Whether you've just arrived or have been here for years, this city makes sure you'll never feel like an outsider.

You can get around easily without a car – public transit is great here!

If you're looking for a new home in Edmonton and don't yet have a car, you won't have to worry. Our expansive city has an impressive transit system that is sure to get you around with ease. From convenient bus routes to light rail options--traveling the city without the pressure of having parking availability has never been easier seeking out prime Edmonton real estate. It's convenient and comfortable, making it the perfect way to sit back and take in all the cultural experiences this amazing city has to offer!

The job market is strong and there are plenty of opportunities for growth.

In today's job market, there are countless opportunities out there for ambitious individuals to take advantage of. This is the perfect time to make a career transition if you're looking to explore a new industry or role, as employers are creatng more jobs than ever before. Whether you decide to stay in the same field or try something entirely different, the current job market provides an opportunity for positive growth and improved earning potential. With plenty of options available, it's an excellent time to jump into the job search process and land a role that will help you reach your career goals.

The housing market is affordable, whether you’re looking to buy or rent..

With the current housing market, there's never been a better time to take advantage of amazing deals. From renting to buying, homes are more affordable than ever before. Investing in a home isn't just about securing a roof over your head - it's about building an empire and creating something special to pass on for generations to come. Whatever your housing goals may be, don't wait around too much - now is the optimal time to make your move while prices are still low.

It’s safe here – you can walk around at night without worrying about your safety..

For those looking for a place to lay down roots and start the life they have always dreamed of, it’s safe here. You don’t need to worry about your safety while you are out enjoying the nightlife or a leisurely stroll; you will not have to be concerned with anything apart from all the interesting things that this wonderful area has to offer. You can explore all the great sites, delicious restaurants and vibrant music without fear of being in danger. Here, you will be able to establish yourself and become part of a diverse community setting that provides an abundance of opportunities and security for its residents.

Edmontonians are just plain nice people! And that makes this city an even better place to live..

In the heart of western Canada lies an incredible city - Edmonton! Home to over a million people and the proud capital of Alberta, this vibrant city serves as a beacon of hospitality thanks to some absolutely spectacular folks. From firefighters to seniors, teachers to business owners – I’ve had the pleasure of meeting so many amazing Edmontonians who just ooze niceness (the real kind). They're respectful, gracious and showered with kindness that they can't wait to share. It’s no surprise then that this city has become even better place to live – and everyone has these great Edmontonians to thank for it!

If any (or all!) of these reasons resonate with you, then Edmonton just might be the place for you.. What are you waiting for? Come check us out!In order not to seem biased against Vancouverites or Torontonians I will say that these cities have their own unique quirks which I love as well but sometimes it's just time for a change of scenery ya know? So if any of these points interest/relate to you then keep on reading! Hopefully by the end of this post you will be convinced that Oilers fans aren't the only good thing about Alberta's capital and that Edmonton has something special that everyone can enjoy!

There are many great reasons to move to Edmonton – from the low cost of living and beautiful seasons, to the delicious food and welcoming people. It’s also a safe and easy city to get around without a car. If you’re thinking about making a move, be sure to do your own research so you can discover even more great things about this wonderful city!


Prime Edmonton Real Estate - The pandemic has caused a lot of uncertainty in the housing market. Some people are worried that they won't be able to find a home to buy because of the pandemic. But there are still many homes available for sale.

You need to be careful when you're buying a home in the current market. Make sure that you're getting a good deal on the home, and that it's in a good location. You don't want to buy a home only to find out that it's in a bad neighborhood. Of course, one great way to offset that is to make sure that you're getting a good mortgage rate, too. You don't want to be paying too much for your mortgage.

Here are a few tips for each phase and stage of home buying and selling to consider.

Buying an Edmonton Showhome

When you're buying a showhome, you want everything to be perfect. After all, it'll be the house in which you'll eventually reside. You don't want to have any regrets later on. That is why taking your time and reviewing all of your choices before making a decision is critical.

If you're looking at resale properties, you'll get a sense of how the family has used it, what kind of condition it's in, and what modifications, repairs, or updates you'll need to make before you move in. You'll be looking at the exact property that you buy, so there's no mistaking what you're getting.

There are a lot of things to think about when you are buying a showhome. The first thing to think about is what kind of home you want. Do you want something traditional or more modern? Maybe you want something with a lot of outdoor space or an in-law suite.

If you're searching for a new house, you can get an indication of the quality of the workmanship and what's included in the package. This home, for example, has high-quality construction and several amenities. Keep in mind that because you control the floor plan and design aspects, your real house will be distinct.

Pay attention to some of the factors that go into the perfect home showing for both Edmonton home buyers and home sellers.

Factors When Buying a Showhome

When you are looking for a new home, it is important to go to home showings. You need to look at the details in the home so you can see if it is the right fit for you. It is also important to go to home showings when you are serious about buying a home. This will help you find the right

Virtual Showings - Now the Norm?

In the past, many individuals might have rejected the concept of purchasing a property based only on a virtual tour. However, in our current epidemic, it is actually possible. As vaccines become available, life is getting better. People will be able to go outside and do things again. But virtual home sales are still here. Some people think that virtual showings might take the place of traditional home showings in the future. That's because it's easier to look at homes on your own schedule. And for people

I'm already well aware that in the last year, I've done numerous house inspections for my buyer clients, as well as a few Zoom virtual showings. It's definitely gaining a lot of traction! The good news is that in the real estate business, firms have been improving their game when it comes to supplying tools that make touring, acquiring, and selling houses more convenient.

In-Person Showings

If you are going to tour any homes, look at their safety guidelines first. See what precautions they are taking to protect themselves from COVID-19. This is something that both buyers and sellers should be doing. It is more important for showhomes, but even resale homes should have some safety guidelines.

Here are some of the things you should look for:

  1. Limited visitors. The seller or builder should limit the number of people in the home to help prevent the spread of coronavirus. Builders should be able to schedule appointments so that you are the only person viewing a particular showhome at that time.
  2. A cleaning plan - Is the house you're considering for sale cleaned on a regular basis? Is it thoroughly cleaned between visitors? Is it once a day, every day? That will indicate how much attention you'll need when touring the home.
  3. Masks - All sales staff need to wear masks properly. This means that the mask covers both the nose and mouth. Visitors should also wear masks. If a visitor shows up without a mask, we will provide them with one.
  4. Multiple stations for sanitizing hands - Look for hand sanitizing stations throughout the house. Germs may be found in every nook and cranny, so you want to keep yourself safe.
  5. Health check - Everyone should have a health check. This usually means having temperatures checked and answering a series of questions about symptoms of the coronavirus. Staff who don’t pass the health check should not work. Visitors who don’t pass should not be allowed inside the home.

Buying Edmonton New Homes Tips

  • Quality in details. Builder's showhomes should be of high quality. However, you still need to be careful. Check to make sure that doors close properly and do not stick. Look for anything that looks rough or uneven. Also, pay attention to how the home looks. If it is already showing signs of wear and tear, it might not look great
  • When you visit a showhome, it is not the same as your house. Your home may be different. If the showhome has more area than your future home and you like how those rooms feel, you will be disappointed by how they appear after moving into them. Make certain to examine showshomes that are in line with your intended construction.
  • Costs to personalizing your home. Customizing a home is both beneficial and hazardous. On the one hand, it allows you to choose the aesthetic features you want. If you wish to make adjustments, be sure they aren't too costly or else your home will end up being more expensive. "Starting from the low $300s" might imply that certain aspects are standard while others are

Viewing a Home - Tips, Tricks, and Musts

When you come to inspect a property, the sellers and builders want to make a good first impression. You may anticipate that a property will appear beautiful from the outside. That's why it's important to do some research before making a decision.

You don't want to have a lot of issues when it comes to the most important purchase of your life! We've compiled a list of some of the things you should be aware of when purchasing resale or new homes.

Buying Edmonton Resale Homes

  • Some areas of the home will be freshly painted, but not all. Homeowners often repaint their homes to make it look new, or to make it look more like all the other houses in the neighborhood. But if you see fresh paint in only one part of a room, or only one small part of the house, it could be a sign that the homeowner is trying to hide a problem.
  • Strong air fresheners are not good. Some realtors use air fresheners to make a property smell nicer. But sometimes, they use it to cover up smells like mould or plumbing problems. If the homeowner is using an air freshener in a room more likely to have these problems, like the bathroom or basement, be extra careful.
  • Appliances at the end of their life span. It's not always the case that old appliances, water heaters, or HVAC systems are a deal-breaker; nevertheless, each of these things has an expiration date. If everything in your house is ancient, you may be facing expensive repairs or replacements shortly after you move in, which can put a strain on your finances. In some cases, older appliances mean the homeowner was good with maintenance so the appliances would last. On the other hand, if they weren’t spending money to upgrade these items, were they also not spending money on other minor repairs? Will this cost you more in the long run?
  • That's the Price? You should look at the average home prices in the area before you buy a home. If the home is much cheaper than other homes in the area, there might be a reason why. The home might have problems that you will need to deal with if you buy it. But it could also be a lot of work.

Remember, anything you say to a home inspector is applicable to both resale and new construction... When touring a location, be cautious what you say. Security cameras may pick up on the things you're talking about, giving you less bargaining power when it comes to purchasing.

Sellers Tips

As a seller, you need to think about how you're going to show your home. Remember that people who come to see your home are looking for similar things that buyers look for. Make sure your home is in top shape so people will want it.

It goes without saying you should take care of major and minor repairs before you start to show your home, but here are some other things you should consider.

How Can I Safely Show My Home?

During a pandemic, the last thing you want is hundreds of strangers traipsing through your house and potentially spreading germs. At the same time, customers will be interested in learning what they're getting before making their purchase.

Use these safety standards to make everyone feel better.

  • Create a virtual tour. To give potential purchasers a sense of whether or not your house is a strong contender, your real estate agent should take more photos than they would have prior to the pandemic. We also now have the technology to create virtual tours, so make good use of it.
  • It is better to have people schedule tours or time slots to see your home. That way, you can allow just one family in at a time and the Realtor can monitor their behavior in the home. This will help keep it clean and organized.
  • Require masks and sanitization. When you have a home showing, your real estate professional should provide masks to anybody who doesn't have them. Sanitizing stations should be located throughout the house or at least at the entrance, if possible.
  • Open up rooms and closets. People are interested in looking around! If you leave the closet doors open, you won't have to worry about people contacting your door handles.
  • Clean after EACH showing. When someone has finished inspecting your property, open the windows to freshen the air and clean any surfaces that may have been handled.

How Do I Keep My Home Ready for Showings?

You're not going to have a big open house, so you'll be doing several smaller showings. In order to sell your home quickly, you need to be ready for a showing at any time. You might not have time for a deep cleaning before every showing, so make sure that things are always neat and tidy.These tips should help!

  • Make preparations to store a portion of your belongings. People generally have more stuff than they require. You're used to the way your house looks, but someone else might believe it is cramped and cluttered. To prevent this, put a lot of your things into a short-term storage facility. Out-of-season clothing, ornamental furniture that
  • Hide your pets. You love them, but potential buyers might not be as fond. Seeing things like a litter box, a dog bowl, or pet toys on the floor might cause them to worry about lurking pet odours. Ideally, you want your pets gone when you're having a showing.
  • Let there be light! Make sure that all of the light bulbs in your rooms are in good condition. If they're not, replace them. You might also want to buy brighter bulbs to make your home look more welcoming. This is especially important during winter, when the days are shorter and people will be turning on the lights more often.
  • Front Yard is the 1st impression. Making a good first impression is important. You want people to be attracted to your home when they see it from the street. Make sure that the outside looks as good as the inside.
  • Plan for the weather. Make your home comfortable for the weather. If it is summer, open up the windows to let in some fresh air or turn on the AC. You don't want people to think your house is too hot. In winter, make sure it is warm and cozy. Light a fire in the fireplace if you have one, and put down a

Price is all That Matters - Pricing Your Home Right

One of the biggest reasons a home will fail to sell is because it is priced incorrectly. If a home is overpriced, it will be easily recognized as being a bad deal. But if the home is underpriced, buyers might think that something is wrong with it.

You need to find a price for your home that will make people see the value in it, but also make them feel like they're getting a good deal.

Despite all of the statistics to the contrary in other areas of Canada, the price of homes in Edmonton have stayed relatively stable. That's good news for both buyers and sellers. Your Realtor® will help you set the price of your home correctly. They'll look at other homes in your area to see what the right price would be. This might mean that you won't get as much money back for some upgrades you made to your home.

How Many Showings Before I Sell My Home?

This is a difficult question to answer. Some people will sell their home after the first showing, while others might have to show it to many people before they find a buyer. The time it takes to sell a home depends on many factors, like the location of your home and the current market conditions. You can't always control these things.

You'll get an offer on your home within the first two weeks if you can hang in there. If you go through more than 10 or 15 showings without receiving a single bid, though, it's time to examine what's wrong.

You'll get the most people looking at your home in the first two weeks after you list it. This is because a lot of people are looking for a home at the same time. After that, you'll get fewer people looking at it. These are the people who just started looking for a home.

Sometimes, it's not the price that is the problem with selling a home. It could be that the home doesn't look interesting to people. Maybe it needs some repairs or updates before someone will want to buy it. You need to take care of these things before you put your home on the market.

The home viewing is one of the most crucial phases of the journey, whether you're searching for your ideal new house or preparing to move on from an old one. A new house is a significant investment and a major decision, so you'll want to be sure that you're making the finest possible selection for yourself and your family. Consider all of your options, then contact me to get started!


Prime Edmonton Real Estate - One of the latest trends in home improvement right now is the mother-in-law suite, also known as a multigenerational unit or a secondary suite. 

If you're thinking about adding a mother-in-law apartment to your home, you might be asking if it's a good idea, if it will pay off in the long term, or whether it provides added value down the road if you're already familiar with the concept. A mother-in-law suite makes it seem like the space is

You may utilize the secondary suite for things like a home office, fitness center, or hobby room. In any case, this sort of apartment must have a bedroom and a complete bathroom.

Some families also utilize a second mortgage to help pay for their children's education. Parents may purchase a flat or a suite for their children on occasion. They may not have enough money to live on their own yet, or they may not want to leave home completely just yet.

Some in-law apartments have a full kitchen and living area. They don't always have to be connected to the house. People may convert their garage or, if feasible, build a tiny freestanding structure that is distinct from the main home.

Depending on mobility difficulties, some homeowners create these types of units in their attic or basement. Are they useful, though?

Up Front Costs

The cost of a mother-in-law suite will depend on how expensive materials and labor are. You might have to spend hundreds of dollars, or even more than $100,000.

It all depends on what you want and how much money you have. If you don't want to spend a lot of money, use your house as usual. It might improve the value of your property if the proper buyer in the appropriate market purchases it. An upgrade in the appraised value of your home may be difficult to detect if there is nothing

However, if you live in a location that is popular with tourists, potential buyers may see the opportunity to earn money by renting out the area.

Key Secondary Suite Takeaways

  • A mother-in-law apartment may provide a tremendous return on investment if you're selling in the proper location and to the right buyer.
  • The price of your mother-in-law suite will depend on how much value it adds to your home. The more value, the higher the price.
  • A mother-in-law apartment can be utilized for more than just guest accommodation when you're selling your house, which might attract a wider range of purchasers.

Adding Value to Your Home with a Secondary Suite

People are always on the lookout for new ways to enhance the value of their homes. A mother-in-law suite may be the answer at times. However, when you might not sell your home again, it might be difficult to justify spending money on these improvements.

The value of a home depends on many factors. Some people think that the price you paid for your house does not matter because it is worth more than just the money spent. It may be how much time was spent renovating the house or if it has sentimental value.

If you live in a place where there are not many other homes with mother-in-law suites, it may be harder to find similar homes to compare your home to. That's why it is important to use a variety of comps when valuing your home.

It's conceivable that creating a mother-in-law apartment may be beneficial. This is because it implies you won't have to spend money on another home or retirement home. By not having to finance another property, you might save a lot of money.

The costs of secondary suites also vary based on the style and type of second home you have. It's also a function of the sort of second residence you have on your property. You may get a different price depending on whether it's a standalone unit or an addition built out of existing space in your house. Because many older people want access to a

The cost of an upgrade to the mother-in-law suite may vary based on how long you own it. If you only live in your home for a short time, the upgrade might not be worth it. But if you plan on living there for a long time, then it could be worthwhile. You'll need to look at how

Many elements influence the worth of your property, including its location. Some buyers may see it as a benefit and assist your home sell faster and for a higher price in some areas. If the region could be leased to tenants, it might make the property more appealing to purchasers and possibly increase its value.

Pre-planned communities typically feature homes that fall within a certain price range. If you spend a lot of money renovating your home, you may not get the same return when it comes to selling.

Secondary Suite Value Adding Takeaways:

  • An in-law apartment may be quite useful since it saves you the expense of purchasing another property or living in a retirement home.
  • It can be hard to tell how much value an in-law suite has because not every home has one.
  • When you are estimating the value of a home with a speciality feature, like a mother in-law suite, location is very important. And homes with an in-law suite may be worth more in Edmonton, which is known for being a great retirement destination.

Step by Step Instructions to Build a Secondary Suite

Having a home in-law suite can provide several financial advantages. To begin with, you may rent out the suite to help pay for the expense of housing your family. Furthermore, if you ever need to relocate, you may simply advertise your property as having an in-law apartment as one of its characteristics and demand a greater price.

This may be a fantastic way to supplement your income or work from home without having to set up an office. This article will guide you through the process of turning your basement into a livable area for your in-laws or renters.

Step 1: Decide On The Layout

First, you must decide on the design of the new room. A one-bedroom apartment with a separate living room and kitchenette is available, or a master suite with an attached bathroom may be chosen. The size of your basement, as well as your budget and future property goals, will have a significant role in determining your option..

If you want a separate entrance for your tenants, a one-bedroom home is the way to go. If you'd want to include your in-laws at family gatherings, a master suite would be ideal. This will give your in-laws their own private living space while also allowing them to stay near the rest of your family.

Step 2: Remove Necessary Walls/ Move Heat Sources

To start renovating the new in-law or renter's quarters, you must first remove the wall between the furnace room and basement. This will allow individuals to move about more easily, allowing them to see more of your home.

Step 3: Remove Furnace Room Flooring

When you remove the wall, you must also take down all of the flooring in this portion of your basement. Many homeowners prefer to keep it because it allows them to stand while washing laundry or repairing pipes below ground. If you're using a one-bedroom apartment, there's no need to retain this floor since it's adjacent to your home's

Step 4: Frame Your Rooms & Ensure There Is No Moisture/Heat Leaks

The next step is to plan out your renter suite. This means framing the ceiling and walls. The ceilings and walls need to be able to hold another room's weight, including the window, door, furniture, and appliances. Most of the time you will need 2x4s for framing as well as plywood on both sides for

Step 5: Insulate the room

In-law or renter's suite insulation is a typical choice among homeowners. This saves money on heating bills while also providing greater protection for your family and renters. It's great for soundproofing (particularly if you're using it as a home office) and will keep the new area warm throughout the winter months.

Spray polyurethane or cellulose can be used as spray foam insulation. Spray polyurethane is a more expensive option, but it has better thermal resistance and less moisture absorption than standard insulation. Spray foam also has an adhesive back that allows it to adhere better to surfaces than regular insulation does.

Step 6: Install Proper Windows and Doors

The installation procedure for this stage varies depending on the type of window or door system you pick. If you select a more conventional window and door solution, all you have to do is install them where they're needed based on their size.

If you choose a sliding glass door or wall-to-wall windows, this step may be more difficult. Since many of these components need a few days to a week before they can be used without fear of leaks, it's critical that you don't have a possible tenant or in-laws to have access to a bathroom during this time.

Step 7: Install Your Electrical System

The final step is to install your electrical system. This should include any wiring required for lights, outlets, and appliances as well as the installation of any necessary gas lines if there are no alternative heating or cooling systems accessible in the room (space heater, mini-split AC unit, window air conditioner).

If you already had a wall-mounted electric heater in place before this job began, it should continue to function throughout the process. Some people don't use their heat during renovations, which can be difficult for workers. Workers must also pay for more heating and risk losing their home if it isn't heated.

Consider how your new renter or in-laws will be able to get access to the electricity they require, as it may be difficult for them to use extension cables while they are working.

Installing a phone junction near the spot where their bed will allow renters to use phones and gadgets like computers without having to be concerned about losing power if they move appliances or lamps too far away from an existing outlet (which is generally only a few feet). This phone/device connection should be connected into your main electrical line, allowing it to operate even when there is no available power.

Are the Challenges of Having a Secondary or Garden Suite in Edmonton Worth it?

If you're like the majority of Edmontonians, you'll undoubtedly believe that having a secondary apartment in your house would be a huge pain. You'd have to deal with yet another set of bills, bylaws, and standards. Another group of people would live in your home. But what if I told you that having a secondary suite might improve your life?

Here are four reasons why:

1) Extra money: A second room might be a wonderful source of additional money if you rent it out. You may earn extra money every month.

2) More space: A secondary apartment may be the perfect alternative if you don't have enough room in your primary house. A secondary suite may provide you with much-needed additional area if you're running out of room in your primary residence.

3) Adding a roommate: A secondary suite might be a fantastic chance to have a housemate. If you need someone to assist with the bills but don't want to live alone, this may be the answer for you.

(4) Short-term housing: Finally, if your basement is unfinished or lacks its own bedroom and bathroom, it may be able to be rented out for short-term lodging. For example, if someone from your church comes in from out of town and needs a place to stay before the weekend service, they may be able to stay with you for free (paying for their own utilities. They would want some seclusion and quiet, but not for more than a few days. This is ideal for what we're looking to do.

There are several advantages to having a second dwelling on your property. Yes, there will be extra guidelines and requirements to follow. The City of Edmonton has really established a strong set of development rules around Secondary Suites and Garden Suites in the city. But it's definitely worth thinking about all of the advantages that you can gain as well!


Prime Edmonton Real Estate - The Orchards at Ellerslie is a new housing development in Edmonton that offers a unique suburban living experience. The community is situated on a 96-acre site and features a mix of single-family homes, townhomes and apartments. There are plenty of green spaces and walking trails to enjoy, and the location is just minutes away from all the shopping and dining options of South Edmonton Common.

The Orchards at Ellerslie is the perfect place for families to call home. There are plenty of schools and parks nearby, and the community is safe and friendly. With its convenient location and great amenities, The Orchards at Ellerslie is sure to be a popular choice for Edmonton homebuyers.


Here is what one resident said about where they live:

The Orchards at Ellerslie is a great place to live, and I can personally attest to that. I moved into the community about six months ago and I have been very happy with my decision. It is a wonderful community with plenty of things to enjoy. There are walking trails, playgrounds, and plenty of green space. The location is also great, as it is only minutes away from all the shopping and dining options of South Edmonton Common.

If you are looking for a new place to call home, I highly recommend considering The Orchards. It is a great community that offers something unique!


If you're looking for a place to call home, this is definitely an option to consider.

Here are the last 10 properties sold in the Orchards at Ellerslie area:

The Orchards at Elleslie Home Sales***Information Courtesy of the Realtors Association of Edmonton***

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